Curiosity Didn’t Kill the Cat, It Built a Bot: A Purr-actical Guide to Customizing LLMs With Your Own Content

posted by
Sy Mitchell

Intro: From Curiosity to Capability

I wanted to see how a fun ChatGPT experiment could be transformed into a business-ready feature. Naturally, I started with a topic of critical international importance: cat facts.

First, I uploaded a PDF of cat facts to ChatGPT. Then, I asked it for interesting tidbits about felines, some of which are fascinating.

But then I started wondering: What would be required to turn a fun, engaging ChatGPT interaction into a fully functional, customized AI feature?

In this guide, I’ll take you through the process of transforming that simple interaction with ChatGPT into a robust LLM bot with custom content. While it’s not quite enterprise-ready, it lays the foundation for scaling and deeper integration—covering everything from sandboxing with Python to creating your very own “Cat Bot”.

Engineering note: This guide is written for macOS and assumes you have an IDE like Visual Studio Code or PyCharm (direct link to free community edition) already installed, as well as an OpenAI development account.

Step 1: Create a Python Sandbox for Your AI Experiments 

I used Python for this project and there are a few hoops to jump through to get it working properly on your machine before going any further. If you already have a working python environment practice, skip this part.

The object is to use Homebrew, a macOS package management tool, to install PyEnv, a tool that makes it easier to install and maintain different Python versions, and then use Python's virtual environment feature to create an isolated test space exclusively for this project. In the end, you should have a working Python setup and not a superfund site.

1. Install the macOS command line tools. These are needed for Homebrew to work in Terminal run.

xcode-select --install

2. Install Homebrew, either with the one line script pasted into a terminal below or by downloading it from Github:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

3. Install pyenv:

brew install pyenv

4. Add pyenv to your terminal so it can work its magic. Running pyenv init will give you the terminal-specific instructions for your machine:

> pyenv init
# Load pyenv automatically by appending
# the following to 
# ~/.zprofile (for login shells)
# and ~/.zshrc (for interactive shells) :

export PYENV_ROOT="$HOME/.pyenv"
[[ -d $PYENV_ROOT/bin ]] && export PATH="$PYENV_ROOT/bin:$PATH"
eval "$(pyenv init -)"

# Restart your shell for the changes to take effect.

In the above case (and is default for most macOS users), this can be done by pasting the below into your terminal and hitting “enter” or “return”:

echo 'export PYENV_ROOT="$HOME/.pyenv"' >> ~/.zshrc
echo '[[ -d $PYENV_ROOT/bin ]] && export PATH="$PYENV_ROOT/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.zshrc
echo 'eval "$(pyenv init -)"' >> ~/.zshrc

Close the terminal window and then open a new one. 

5. Run the command pyenv --help to verify it is installed properly. Then, install Python and set it as the default version for your system. Running the commands pyenv install 3.11, pyenv global 3.11, and python --version will produce output like this:

> pyenv install 3.11
python-build: use openssl from homebrew
python-build: use readline from homebrew
Downloading Python-3.11.9.tar.xz...
Installing Python-3.11.9...
python-build: use tcl-tk from homebrew
python-build: use readline from homebrew
python-build: use ncurses from homebrew
python-build: use zlib from xcode sdk
Installed Python-3.11.9 to /Users/username/.pyenv/versions/3.11.9
> pyenv global 3.11
> python --version
Python 3.11.9

6. Next, follow these steps:

  • Create a folder and navigate into it.
  • Set the Python version to be used within this folder.
  • Create a virtual environment to isolate the project’s modules (ensuring they’re not shared with other projects).
  • Ensure the virtual environment files are excluded from being backed up to Git.
  • Activate the virtual environment and update Python to the latest version.
mkdir sandgarden-guide-01
cd sandgarden-guide-01
pyenv local 3.11
python -m venv .venv
echo ".venv*" >> .gitignore
source .venv/bin/activate
python -m pip install --upgrade pip

The important step here is the source .venv/bin/activate line, which makes sure that all commands to Python and any libraries, code, and work you perform will only modify the virtual environment created for this folder. 

Now that you've completed these steps, you have a base Python environment to begin your experimentation with LLMs. Move on to the next section to begin working with OpenAI in the environment.

Step 2: Power Your LLM With OpenAI’s API

1. Request an OpenAI key from your account page here and save it somewhere securely, such as 1Password.

2. Launch VS Code or PyCharm, and select the folder you created for the project. It should open to a relatively blank window.

3. Open a command terminal in either application so you can have a single window to view the code you write and the output from running it. For VS Code press control-` and option-F12 for PyCharm.

4. For PyCharm you should see something that looks like this:

5. In the terminal, set up your environment with your OPENAI_API_KEY. The easiest way to do that is by exporting it as an environment variable with the command:

export OPENAI_API_KEY="$api_key_here"

6. Install the OpenAI Python library (make sure to activate the environment first):

source .venv/bin/activate
pip install openai

7. Create a file named to work with and add the basic call. This is our first “Hello World” that will verify that we have both Python and OpenAI configured correctly. Paste this into the file:

1from openai import OpenAI
2client = OpenAI()
4completion =
5    model="gpt-4o-mini",
6    messages=[
7        {"role": "system", "content": "You are a helpful assistant."},
8        {
9            "role": "user",
10            "content": "Write a haiku about recursion in programming."
11        }
12    ]

And execute it with the command python in the terminal. You should see a result like this:

> python

Function calls itself,  
A loop of thought unfolding,  
Endless depths emerge.

You can run it multiple times and get a different haiku each time. Pretty neat.

Step 3: From Curiosity to Customization: Upload a Data Source

What seems like an easy task on the surface starts becoming a multistep process on the backend. While you can just drag a file to the web UI and ask ChatGPT to answer questions about it, that's not what you want to build for your business. Instead, in ChatGPT terms, you’ll want to create an assistant (an agent) and provide it with a set of files to reference. Those files are stored in something called a vectorDB, a referenceable set of information that the Assistant will query for relevant information before trying to answer the question. 

For instance, in the cat facts example, asking about a siamese cat would first search the vectorDB for relevant chunks of data that contain information on siamese cats, and then submit that along with the original request to the LLM. This increases the likelihood that a response will use factual information that you know the source of (because you can track what was retrieved from vectorDB, which is included in the result) and make it less likely for the response to be made up from data somewhere else in the LLM (what some people call a hallucination and other people call bullshit).

There are many different ways to create the flow of data from user input→agent→vectorDB response. For this exercise we're going to tackle this in two segments: 

  1. Creating the assistant and the data you want to search, then 
  2. Creating something to run questions against that assistant once it is running

Step 4: Code Your AI — From Cat Facts to Business Impact

1. Create a new file called This will handle the API calls around defining the vectorDB, uploading files to it, parsing them, creating the assistant, and binding it to the vectorDB. You don't want to upload sensitive data to these outside servers for this experiment, so the dog-facts.txt is included as an example dataset to use.


2. The below code creates a vectorDB of the name cat_facts. It first uses a function to ensure that there isn't already a DB of that name present. If there is, it will just use that and skip the creation step. This allows you to keep running this code over and over again without creating hundreds of useless DB's while testing it.

1from pathlib import Path
2from openai import OpenAI
3client = OpenAI()
5# Check if VectorDB of that name already exists
7def db_exists(name, client):
8    db_list = client.beta.vector_stores.list()
9    has_db = [ for x in if is not None and name in]
10    return has_db
12# Create VectorDB or return the ID if one exists already
13# Either case you get the ID of DB for the next step
14def create_db(name, client):
15    db_id = None
1617    db_list = db_exists(name, client)
18    if db_list:
19        db_id = db_list[0]
20        print(f'DB of name "{name}" exists with id of "{db_id}"')
21    else:
22        resp = (client.beta.vector_stores.create(name=name))
23        db_id =
24        print(f'DB created, named: "{name}" with id: "{db_id}"')
25    return db_id
27# Call the create_db() function that returns the db_id
28db_id = create_db('cat_facts', client) # vs_KdpZjj4EUDhNHN8bzkNuOMg9
30# Output DB ID for next steps

3. Run python and it should output something like what is below. This verifies that you've gotten the code working properly and your OpenAI token is still valid.

> python 
DB created, named: "cat_facts" with id: "vs_YjFJvRKemJWYzV3jyKPJ40AS"

4. There are multiple ways to get data into the vectorDB. In this instance, you will just upload a single file to OpenAI's servers for indexing, but integrations with other platforms and tools could allow you to reclusively load files from an S3 bucket or other systems. The vectorDB doesn't have to be hosted alongside the LLM you are working with—you can deploy and run your own local vectorDB if you have sensitive information you do not want to leave your corporate network. That is outside the scope of this guide but may be covered in the future.

Just like the DB step above, this is the new code showing the DB code from before, but now also checking if the file is uploaded, uploading it, and then ensuring that vectorDB indexes it appropriately.

1from pathlib import Path
2from openai import OpenAI
3client = OpenAI()
5# Check if VectorDB of that name already exists
6def db_exists(name, client):
7    db_list = client.beta.vector_stores.list()
8    has_db = [ for x in if is not None and name in]
9    return has_db
11# Create VectorDB or return the ID if one exists already
12# Either case you get the ID of DB for the next step
13def create_db(name, client):
14    db_id = None
16    db_list = db_exists(name, client)
17    if db_list:
18        db_id = db_list[0]
19        print(f'DB of name "{name}" exists with id of "{db_id}"')
20    else:
21        resp = (client.beta.vector_stores.create(name=name))
22        db_id =
23        print(f'DB created, named: "{name}" with id: "{db_id}"')
25    return db_id
27# Check if file has been uploaded and attached to DB
28def file_exists(name, db, client):
29    file_list = client.files.list()
30    has_file = [ for x in if x.filename is not None and name in x.filename]
31    if has_file:
32        attached_files = client.beta.vector_stores.files.list(db)
33        attached_id = [ for x in if has_file[0] in]
34    else:
35        attached_id = []
37    return attached_id
39# Upload file if it isn't present and ensure the DB
40# knows about it
41def upload_file(filepath, db_id, client):
42    file_id = None
44    file = Path(filepath)
45    name = ''
46    if file.is_file():
47        name =
48    else:
49        print(f'File: {filepath} does not exist')
50        exit(1)
52    file_list = file_exists(name, db_id, client)
54    if file_list:
55        file_id = file_list[0]
56        print(f'File of name "{name}" exists with id of "{file_id}"')
57    else:
58        print(f'Creating: "{name}"')
59        file_upload = client.files.create(file=file,purpose='assistants')
60        file_id =
61        print(f'File of name "{name}" uploaded with id of "{file_id}", attaching')
62        file_id = client.beta.vector_stores.files.create_and_poll(file_id, vector_store_id=db_id).id
64    return file_id
66# Call the create_db() function that returns the db_id
67db_id = create_db('cat_facts', client)
69# Output DB ID for next steps
72# Call the upload_file() and get the file_id
73file_id = upload_file('cat-facts-2.pdf', db_id, client)
75# Output File ID for reference

5. Running python again will return something like this below. Notice how it also shows that the script checks that the DB exists before going on to try to associate the uploaded file with it:

> python
DB of name "cat_facts" exists with id of "vs_YjFJvRKemJWYzV3jyKPJ40AS"
Creating: "cat-facts-2.pdf"
File of name "cat-facts-2.pdf" uploaded with id of "file-LGyE70KxkwWIgTL783zh8xgL", attaching

6. Now, the final task for this part of the guide! You will see the complete code, and running it will create an assistant called Cat Bot. This will show up in the OpenAI UI along with any other assistant you created after this step is complete.

1from pathlib import Path
2from openai import OpenAI
3client = OpenAI()
5# Check if VectorDB of that name already exists
6def db_exists(name, client):
7    db_list = client.beta.vector_stores.list()
8    has_db = [ for x in if is not None and name in]
9    return has_db
11# Create VectorDB or return the ID if one exists already
12# Either case you get the ID of DB for the next step
13def create_db(name, client):
14    db_id = None
16    db_list = db_exists(name, client)
17    if db_list:
18        db_id = db_list[0]
19        print(f'DB of name "{name}" exists with id of "{db_id}"')
20    else:
21        resp = (client.beta.vector_stores.create(name=name))
22        db_id =
23        print(f'DB created, named: "{name}" with id: "{db_id}"')
25    return db_id
27# Check if file has been uploaded and attached to DB
28def file_exists(name, db, client):
29    file_list = client.files.list()
30    has_file = [ for x in if x.filename is not None and name in x.filename]
31    if has_file:
32        attached_files = client.beta.vector_stores.files.list(db)
33        attached_id = [ for x in if has_file[0] in]
34    else:
35        attached_id = []
37    return attached_id
39# Upload file if it isn't present and ensure the DB
40# knows about it
41def upload_file(filepath, db_id, client):
42    file_id = None
44    file = Path(filepath)
45    name = ''
46    if file.is_file():
47        name =
48    else:
49        print(f'File: {filepath} does not exist')
50        exit(1)
52    file_list = file_exists(name, db_id, client)
54    if file_list:
55        file_id = file_list[0]
56        print(f'File of name "{name}" exists with id of "{file_id}"')
57    else:
58        print(f'Creating: "{name}"')
59        file_upload = client.files.create(file=file,purpose='assistants')
60        file_id =
61        print(f'File of name "{name}" uploaded with id of "{file_id}", attaching')
62        file_id = client.beta.vector_stores.files.create_and_poll(file_id, vector_store_id=db_id).id
64    return file_id
66# Check if assistant has been created already and has vectorDB configured
67def assistant_exists(name,db_id,client):
68    assistant_id = None
70    assistants = client.beta.assistants.list()
71    assistant = [x for x in if is not None and name in]
73    if assistant:
74        vector_store_ids = assistant[0].tool_resources.file_search.vector_store_ids
75        if db_id in vector_store_ids:
76            print('assistant exists and DB is attached')
77        else:
78            print('assistant exists and DB needs to be attached')
79            client.beta.assistants.update(
80                assistant_id=assistant[0].id,
81                tool_resources={"file_search": {"vector_store_ids": [db_id]}},
82            )
83        assistant_id = assistant[0].id
85    return assistant_id
87# Create a new assistant if it doesn't exist, make sure it uses
88# the vectorDB for any knowledge base lookups
89def create_assistant(name,db_id,client):
90    assistant_id = assistant_exists(name,db_id,client)
92    if assistant_id:
93        print(f'assistant: {name} exists')
94    else:
95        print(f'Creating assistant: {name}')
96        assistant = client.beta.assistants.create(
97            name=name,
98            instructions="You are a cat expert. Use your knowledge base to answer questions about cats",
99            model="gpt-4o",
100            tools=[{"type": "file_search"}],
101            tool_resources={"file_search": {"vector_store_ids": [db_id]}},
102        )
104        assistant_id =
106    return assistant_id
109# Call the create_db() function that returns the db_id
110db_id = create_db('cat_facts', client)
112# Output DB ID for next steps
115# Call the upload_file() and get the file_id
116file_id = upload_file('cat-facts-2.pdf', db_id, client)
118# Output File ID for reference
121# Create the assistant and get the ID of it
122assistant_id = create_assistant('Cat Bot', db_id, client)
124# Print the assistant ID, this is used in the next script

7. Running it this time will produce output like this below. Going into the OpenAI Assistant UI should also show it.

> python
DB of name "cat_facts" exists with id of "vs_YjFJvRKemJWYzV3jyKPJ40AS"
File of name "cat-facts-2.pdf" exists with id of "file-LGyE70KxkwWIgTL783zh8xgL"
Creating assistant: Cat Bot

8. With this step completed, you've run through all the processes that go into setting yourself up for a Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG)-based Assistant. When it’s asked questions about cats, the assistant will be able to use a new source of information that is not in the LLM to determine the right answer.

Now that the Assistant has been completed and set up with a vectorDB that has a document (or more if you decided to upload more to it), you can begin to ask questions. Doing so via the API is a matter for another day, but you can see that you've created the Assistant on the OpenAI page now. This is a good point to explore asking that questions and performing queries that way.

Also, because we've loaded the assistant with the relevant information, you don't need to run the above file again. Only if you need to add more information or want to modify other parameters will you need to revise that agent/assistant creation.

Cat Bot UI
From here on out, users can interact with the system you've created this way already. Not too bad.

Step 5: Test and Tweak Your AI Assistant With the CLI

Now that the assistant has been created on OpenAI’s servers, we need a way to interact with it via the API. To keep track of the assistant and its state, you can export the assistant ID by using the following command:

export ASSISTANT_ID='asst_AhwNp62Vqtu0u6TBqzoYnT2E'

This will be useful for both testing and the web UI created later.

1. Creating a Thread for Conversations

The following script helps you interact with the assistant. It creates a Thread (OpenAI’s way of keeping a conversation history between API calls) and submits any prompt as a question.

python "tell me about cats"

This sends the prompt “tell me about cats” to the assistant, waits for a response, and prints the result.

2. Managing Threads and Sessions

The thread ID can be reused for subsequent prompts by setting it with the command:

export THREAD_ID=$thread_id

This prevents creating a new thread for every interaction. If no thread ID is provided, the script will create a new one automatically.

3. Using Asynchronous Python for Streaming Responses

The example script uses async Python to handle the lookup in the background and stream responses. This is not essential for a simple test, but it becomes valuable when creating a web UI, allowing the response to be streamed in real-time, just like ChatGPT does. Here’s an outline of how the asynchronous streaming process works in the background:

  • The script starts by creating a thread if none exists.
  • It submits the user’s question to the assistant via the API.
  • The assistant’s response is streamed back in real-time, filling in the conversation as the response is generated.
  • The final response, along with citations if provided, is printed out for the use.

By using async functions, the process is made more efficient, especially when integrated into a web UI where responses are needed incrementally. Here’s the full code that makes it happen:

1import os
2import argparse
3from typing_extensions import override
4from openai import AssistantEventHandler, OpenAI
6class EventHandler(AssistantEventHandler):
7    @override
8    def on_text_created(self, text) -> None:
9        print(f"\nassistant > ", end="", flush=True)
11    @override
12    def on_tool_call_created(self, tool_call):
13        print(f"\nassistant > {tool_call.type}\n", flush=True)
15    @override
16    def on_message_done(self, message) -> None:
17        # print a citation to the file searched
18        message_content = message.content[0].text
19        annotations = message_content.annotations
20        citations = []
21        for index, annotation in enumerate(annotations):
22            message_content.value = message_content.value.replace(
23                annotation.text, f"[{index}]"
24            )
25            if file_citation := getattr(annotation, "file_citation", None):
26                cited_file = client.files.retrieve(file_citation.file_id)
27                citations.append(f"[{index}] {cited_file.filename}")
29        print(message_content.value)
30        print("\n".join(citations))
34if 'THREAD_ID' in os.environ:
35    THREAD_ID = os.environ['THREAD_ID']
37    THREAD_ID = ''
39client = OpenAI()
41if not len(THREAD_ID):
42    thread = client.beta.threads.create()
43    THREAD_ID =
45print(f'Thread id is {THREAD_ID}')
47parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
49parser.add_argument("question", nargs='*', help="Question to ask LLM")
51args = parser.parse_args()
53sentence = ' '.join(args.question)
57message = client.beta.threads.messages.create(
58  thread_id=THREAD_ID,
59  role="user",
60  content=sentence
64    thread_id=THREAD_ID,
65    assistant_id=ASSISTANT_ID,
66    event_handler=EventHandler(),
67) as stream:
68    stream.until_done()

The full experience looks like this:

> python "tell me 2 facts about cats"
Thread id is thread_FmQ3DQsR1vRcLgLvwgJEPTUP
tell me 2 facts about cats

assistant > file_search

assistant >
Here are two more fascinating facts about cats:

1. **Ear Muscles and Movement**: Cats have about thirty-two muscles in each of their ears. This allows them to control the direction of their ears efficiently, enabling them to rotate their ears about 180 degrees and face them in any direction to detect sounds[0].

2. **Unique Identification**: Just like human fingerprints, cats have unique nose prints. The pattern of ridges and bumps on a cat's nose is different for every cat, making it a unique identifier[1].
[0] cat-facts.pdf
[1] cat-facts.pdf

4. Real-Time Response Handling

Once the assistant receives a prompt, the event handler processes the response and updates the user in real-time. The assistant can handle:

  • Text responses
  • Tool calls (such as file lookups)
  • Message completion (including any citations to external files)

This asynchronous process enables seamless interaction through the web UI, ensuring that each request to the assistant builds upon the previous conversation, as long as the thread is maintained.

Step 6: Add a Web UI–Transforming Your Experiments Into a Fully-Functioning AI Product

Now that we’ve got an assistant working with a thread to keep continuity of conversation (or memory), we need to create a web interface. I found an example showing a FastUI chatbot with a different AI service. Since I'd worked with FastAPI (which FastUI sits on top of), both of which use pedantic, a library already used by the OpenAI SDK, I thought it would be a good starting point. 

The most complicated part of this was getting used to async functions in python; my previous usage had typically consisted of quick scripts and one-shots that I’d either batch or use a different process to handle any async requests outside of python itself. The bright side is that I got a web frontend out of it (that doesn't look half bad) thanks to the FastUI library.

First step is to add the needed libraries (uvicorn is new, but is the library that actually runs the code as a webservice for me):

pip install fastapi uvicorn fastui

Create a new file: The code below is similar to the example code, but adds app.thread_id as a variable to keep track of the Thread as the web interface is reloaded. This does not isolate the Thread for different users. A full production implementation would add session handling so each user gets a different Thread:

1import asyncio
2import os
3from typing import AsyncIterable
4from fastapi import FastAPI
5from fastapi.responses import HTMLResponse
6from fastui import prebuilt_html, FastUI, AnyComponent
7from fastui import components as c
8from fastui.components.display import DisplayLookup, DisplayMode
9from import PageEvent, GoToEvent
10from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
11from starlette.responses import StreamingResponse
12from openai import AsyncOpenAI
13from openai import OpenAI
15# Create the app object
16app = FastAPI()
18client = OpenAI()
19async_client = AsyncOpenAI()
21# Message history
22app.message_history = []
23# Keeps the process using one thread, however also means each webuser is accessing the same thread at the moment
24app.thread_id = None
26# Message history model
27class MessageHistoryModel(BaseModel):
28    message: str = Field(title='Message')
29# Chat form - this is what creates the ?chat=<prompt> get response which triggers the streaming call to begin
30# it's useful that the chat itself is a standard python model, since this could be reused or extended as needed
31class ChatForm(BaseModel):
32    chat: str = Field(title=' ', max_length=1000)
34# Root endpoint, unchanged from example
35@app.get('/api/', response_model=FastUI, response_model_exclude_none=True)
36def api_index(chat: str | None = None, reset: bool = False) -> list[AnyComponent]:
37    if reset:
38        app.message_history = []
39    return [
40        c.PageTitle(text='FastUI Chatbot'),
41        c.Page(
42            components=[
43                # Header
44                c.Heading(text='FastUI Chatbot'),
45                c.Paragraph(text='This is a simple chatbot built with FastUI.'),
46                # Chat history
47                c.Table(
48                    data=app.message_history,
49                    data_model=MessageHistoryModel,
50                    columns=[DisplayLookup(field='message', mode=DisplayMode.markdown, table_width_percent=100)],
51                    no_data_message='No messages yet.',
52                ),
53                # Chat form
54                c.ModelForm(model=ChatForm, submit_url=".", method='GOTO'),
55                # Reset chat
56                c.Link(
57                    components=[c.Text(text='Reset Chat')],
58                    on_click=GoToEvent(url='/?reset=true'),
59                ),
60                # Chatbot response
61                c.Div(
62                    components=[
63                        c.ServerLoad(
64                            path=f"/sse/{chat}",
65                            sse=True,
66                            load_trigger=PageEvent(name='load'),
67                            components=[],
68                        )
69                    ],
70                    class_name='my-2 p-2 border rounded'),
71            ],
72        ),
73        # Footer
74        c.Footer(
75            extra_text='Made with FastUI',
76            links=[]
77        )
78    ]

The next block of code defines how we want to handle streaming the responses back from the OpenAI endpoint. It ensures the session in the web browser continues to refresh and get new information as the code gets the prompt response from OpenAI. It keeps the web browser from hanging up, thinking the conversation has completed. The big change here is adding the app.thread_id component, which creates a new thread in OpenAI when the first prompt is sent, and then reuses it for all future prompts. It won't save the threads between session executions at the moment. Good enough for an experiment, but again this isn't an exploration in web service building.

1# SSE endpoint
3async def sse_ai_response(prompt: str) -> StreamingResponse:
4    # adds a check to keep the thread consistent or will create a new one if needed
5    if app.thread_id is None:
6        thread = client.beta.threads.create()
7        app.thread_id =
8        print(f'created new thread: {}')
10    # if a user hasn't entered a prompt, just return this, don't submit a query
11    if prompt is None or prompt == '' or prompt == 'None':
12        return StreamingResponse(empty_response(), media_type='text/event-stream')
13    else:
14        # Sets up the prompt whose response we retrieve later in `ai_response_generator`
15        client.beta.threads.messages.create(
16            thread_id=app.thread_id,
17            role="user",
18            content=prompt
19        )
20        return StreamingResponse(ai_response_generator(prompt), media_type='text/event-stream')
22# Empty response generator
23async def empty_response() -> AsyncIterable[str]:
24    # Send the message
25    m = FastUI(root=[c.Markdown(text='')])
26    msg = f'data: {m.model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_none=True)}\n\n'
27    yield msg
28    # Avoid the browser reconnecting
29    while True:
30        yield msg
31        await asyncio.sleep(10)

The real challenge was converting the example to use a streaming response from an OpenAI Assistant with a Thread instead of storing the prompt history and submitting it with each new prompt. It does keep the message history from the example, but unlike the example, it won't submit the history with each prompt. Thanks to the OpenAI thread that already exists, the assistant already has access to previous messages and responses. Instead the message history is just used to fill out the conversation log in the web UI. If we don't have the OPENAI_API_KEY and ASSISTANT_ID key, this will error out.

The previous sse_ai_response function set up the Thread—sending the prompt to OpenAI servers, staging it with the assistant and the thread we've created. Because the Thread and Prompt are staged but not triggered to run yet, in the future it would be possible to add a file upload screen allowing a user to upload a file as they submit a prompt, but delay executing the prompt until the file has been added to the Assistants context. A useful refinement for the user experience, but not something I did in my code, since the earlier already uploaded the file I wanted to use.

After kicking off the thread run (with, the code will parse each response as it gets it back from the run, updating the UI with each payload. The below snippet is the most important part really—this triggers the update of the message in the UI as the run data is received.

1async with stream as stream:
2    async for text in stream.text_deltas:
3        output += text
4        m = FastUI(root=[c.Markdown(text=output)])
5        msg = f'data: {m.model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_none=True)}\n\n'
6        yield msg

This is the full code:

1# response generator
2async def ai_response_generator(prompt: str) -> AsyncIterable[str]:
4    # reuses the existing Assistant ID, this will break if not present
5    if 'ASSISTANT_ID' in os.environ:
6        assistant_id = os.environ['ASSISTANT_ID']
7    else:
8        assistant_id = ''
11    output = f"**User:** {prompt}\n\n"
12    msg = ''
14    # Prompt template for message history
15    # this uses the class we created above, saves the history for web UI view
16    # original example also used this to submit with each request to keep memory
17    # since we have threads, we don't need to use it
18    prompt_template = "Previous messages:\n"
19    for message_history in app.message_history:
20        prompt_template += message_history.message + "\n"
21    prompt_template += f"Human: {prompt}"
23    # Create the background process with openAI to run the
24    stream =
25        assistant_id=assistant_id,
26        thread_id=app.thread_id
27    )
30    # Stream the chat
31    output += f"**Chatbot:** "
33    async with stream as stream:
34        async for text in stream.text_deltas:
35            output += text
36            m = FastUI(root=[c.Markdown(text=output)])
37            msg = f'data: {m.model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_none=True)}\n\n'
38            yield msg
40    message = MessageHistoryModel(message=output)
41    app.message_history.append(message)
43    while True:
44        yield msg
45        await asyncio.sleep(10)
47# Prebuilt HTML
49async def html_landing() -> HTMLResponse:
50    """Simple HTML page which serves the React app, comes last as it matches all paths."""
51    return HTMLResponse(prebuilt_html(title='FastUI Demo'))

With all of this saved in, the web service itself can finally be started with the command uvicorn web:app. By default it launches a web service listening on localhost:8000 on the workstation running the code. This now provides the ability to submit questions and get facts about cats with citations included upon requests, and it will remember previous questions.

On the command line a session shows up as the following, including a printout of the thread it create at the start of a conversation and the submission of the prompt (which in future iterations could be a data post instead of URI):

> uvicorn web:app --reload
INFO:     Will watch for changes in these directories: ['/src/guide-content/01-rag']
INFO:     Uvicorn running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
INFO:     Started reloader process [85000] using StatReload
INFO:     Started server process [85002]
INFO:     Waiting for application startup.
INFO:     Application startup complete.
INFO: - "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 OK
INFO: - "GET /api/ HTTP/1.1" 200 OK
created new thread: thread_PxW8DbybHmy2e0oxkz0ja2T0
INFO: - "GET /api/sse/None HTTP/1.1" 200 OK
INFO: - "GET /api/?chat=Give+me+a+fact+about+cats+with+a+citation HTTP/1.1" 200 OK
INFO: - "GET /api/sse/Give%20me%20a%20fact%20about%20cats%20with%20a%20citation HTTP/1.1" 200 OK
^CINFO:     Shutting down
INFO:     Waiting for application shutdown.
INFO:     Application shutdown complete.
INFO:     Finished server process [85002]
INFO:     Stopping reloader process [85000]

With this as the rendered response in the UI: 


Not bad for a few lines of Python, eh? We get a full custom ChatGPT interface that can keep one informed with the latest cat facts, knowing that they probably aren't made up on the spot.

Conclusion: Turn Curiosity Into Productized Practical AI Solutions With Sandgarden

Building an AI-driven solution doesn’t have to be a long, complex coding journey—Sandgarden helps make it as seamless and intuitive as possible. We handle the heavy lifting so you can focus on experimenting, scaling, and eventually turning your ideas into business-ready features.

Sandgarden offers the flexibility and speed to grow your AI solution as you refine and develop it further. Whether you’re starting with small experiments or looking for a more scalable solution, we’ve got the tools to help you avoid “integration hell” and provide everything from data management to custom AI integrations.

Ready to move beyond fun experiments and start shaping your AI into a functional tool? With Sandgarden, you won’t have to wrestle with endless lines of code—we’ve already built the foundation for you.

Not ready to build your own AI-powered tool? Let Sandgarden help you get started—faster than you can say “purr.”
